Spirulina smoothie recipe
Servings Prep Time
1glass 5minutes
Servings Prep Time
1glass 5minutes
  1. Add the sliced banana, spirulina, peanut butter, chia seeds and cinnamon to a blender. Splash in the almond milk and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a glass and sprinkle with grated coconut (or topping of your choice).
Recipe Notes

I have shared with you some of the many advantages of spirulina. Of course, there are many more such as omega-6 (GLA) or the presence of sulphur compounds. But rather than continuing to list all of its properties, as fantastic as they are, I prefer to give you a few important guidelines.

Due to the lack of data on the effects on pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid taking spirulina. Apart from this specific case, however, there are no particular contraindications.

The suggested dose varies between 1 and 10 g per day. For my part, I recommend that you start with a small amount and gradually increase it to get used to the food.

Some even claim that one could eat spirulina exclusively without suffering from a deficiency as this food is so complete. In my opinion, this statement is a little too conclusive, but it gives you a glimpse of the potential of this super-food!