Vegan panna cotta with raspberry sauce
For the panna cotta
For the raspberry sauce
  1. Place all the ingredients for the panna cotta in a pan and heat slowly, stirring occasionally, until the syrup and agar agar have dissolved (does not need to boil).
  2. Pour the panna cotta mixture into 4-6 glasses (depending on size, makes approx. 1 litre).
  3. Leave to cool at room temperature and then place in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
  4. Mix together all the ingredients for the raspberry sauce.
  5. Pour the raspberry sauce onto the panna cotta and refrigerate again for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Decorate as desired: e.g. with a few raspberries or chocolate chips.
Recipe Notes

You can also use frozen raspberries. Simply take them out of the freezer beforehand and leave to defrost.

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