Prunes/Blackberries Tart
Servings Prep Time
2tarts 1h30
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2tarts 1h30
Cook Time
Prunes tart
Blackberries tarts
  1. Put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and knead until a homogeneous dough is formed.
  2. Cover it with clingfilm it and leave it to rest in the fridge for about 20 mins.
  3. Roll out the dough by half a centimetre, put the prunes or blackberries on the centre of the dough, then fold the edges over.
  4. Sprinkle some brown sugar on top and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
Assembling the tart
  1. Remove the tart from the oven, let it cool for a few minutes.
  2. For the blackberries tart, add a scoop of ice cream in the middle and decorate it with some fresh mint.