Tag Archives banana

Banana breakfast

Banana breakfast

By Posted on 2 min read

A banana for breakfast so you can have smile all day long! Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world because of their nutritional profile, which makes them …

Wine, ice cream and ketchup made from bananas

Wine, ice cream and ketchup made from bananas

By Posted on 2 min read
This raw, elongated, starchy fruit is a great friend of a morning cup cappuccino and a bowl of oats. It’s so common, yet many mistakenly take it as a palm gift. But bananas do not grow on trees, it’s a product of large herbaceous flowering plants.


Petit déjeuner à la banane

Petit déjeuner à la banane

By Posted on 2 min read

Une banane au petit déjeuner pour avoir la banane toute la journée ! Les bananes sont l’un des fruits les plus populaires au monde en raison de leur profil nutritionnel qui …