Tag Archives children

What belongs in a healthy snack box

What belongs in a healthy snack box

By Posted on 3 min read
Sandwich, apple, carrot, cucumber, maybe a muesli bar and some chocolate for snacking. Almost everyone knows the snack box that children usually take to school. But what ingredients should be chosen so that the lunch box is both filling and healthy?


It’s all about the presentation

It’s all about the presentation

By Posted on 3 min read

Sweet, juicy and perfect ripe pears are truly one of the most wonderful fruits, loved by people of all ages. That’s probably one of the reasons why “Herr von Ribbeck auf …


L’importance d’impliquer les enfants en cuisine

L’importance d’impliquer les enfants en cuisine

By Posted on 3 min read

Face à l’explosion des cas de surpoids et d’obésité infantile, il est indispensable d’agir. On dit généralement qu’il faut se dépenser pour brûler des calories. Une activité physique est bien entendu …
