Tag Archives exotic

Nut-bearing head

Nut-bearing head

By Posted on 2 min read

The name “coconut” came from the 16th-century Portuguese word “coco”, meaning “head”. Such a comparison is obviously due to the three indentations that coconuts have on one side, and that feature resembles a human’s head with eyes.


Papaya magic

Papaya magic

By Posted on 2 min read

Papaya or pawpaw, as it’s sometimes called, often loses to other well-known produce found in common grocery stores. Why is this beautiful exotic fruit overlooked? We have no answer and surely no justification for that.


Pineapple scraps

Pineapple scraps

By Posted on 2 min read

First question: where do you think pineapples grow? ‘On a palm tree’, many would answer, and this is going to be a false answer. It is a herbaceous perennial plant that looks more like grass with wide waxy leaves, with pineapple starting to form from dozens of individual flowers with up to 200 fruits that eventually become one multiple fruit.

