Tarragon – one of the four fines herbes
The plant is called ‘dragon’ in Swedish and Dutch. Why? Because of its Latin name Artemisia dracunculus. The latter part means “little dragon”. It’s a denomination derived from the coiled roots of the plant.
The plant is called ‘dragon’ in Swedish and Dutch. Why? Because of its Latin name Artemisia dracunculus. The latter part means “little dragon”. It’s a denomination derived from the coiled roots of the plant.
What do we know about mussels? They are usually cooked in white wine and parsley and served with French fries. That’s probably what most of us have in mind when it …
Ah ça y est, le mois de décembre et son élan festif démarre en douceur. Le froid se fait gentiment sentir et on est tous charmé à l’idée de l’approche des …