Posts by type


Apple verbena choux (puffs)

Apple verbena choux (puffs)

By Posted on 1 min read
Apple verbena choux blend in nicely with the freshness and delicacy of the month of May while patiently waiting for the summer and local flavours.


Fischsuppe mit Safran

Fischsuppe mit Safran

By Posted on 1 min read
Abendstund hat rotes Gold im Mund


Rhubarb and almond pie (gluten free)

Rhubarb and almond pie (gluten free)

By Posted on 1 min read
The rhubarb pie is back with a “gluten free” version that keeps all its promises… great flavours guaranteed!


Chicken skewers with Brussels sprouts

Chicken skewers with Brussels sprouts

By Posted on 1 min read
This recipe is a very refined grilling speciality. Low-carb, fresh and healthy – the hint of lemon in the sauce complements the recipe particularly well.




By Posted on 1 min read
Dieses Rezept ist eine wirklich feine Grillspezialität. Low-Carb, frisch und gesund – die Zitronennote in der Sauce rundet das Rezept besonders gut ab.
