Purslane – the tasty weed
Purslane has been cultivated for more than 3000 years. It is known to be consumed in ancient Egypt, Greece and Roman Empire, as well as in India and Persia, where it originates. Now purslane has spread across the globe.
Purslane has been cultivated for more than 3000 years. It is known to be consumed in ancient Egypt, Greece and Roman Empire, as well as in India and Persia, where it originates. Now purslane has spread across the globe.
Le pourpier est cultivé depuis plus de 3000 ans. On sait qu’il était consommé dans l’Égypte ancienne, en Grèce et dans l’Empire romain, ainsi qu’en Inde et en Perse, d’où il est originaire. Aujourd’hui, le pourpier s’est répandu dans le monde entier.