Tag Archives nutrients

Straight from producer to consumer

Straight from producer to consumer

By Posted on 2 min read

Cutting out the middleman between producers and consumers: what’s the difference? What’s in it for us? Of course it makes a difference. Of course we gain enormously.


How to read a nutrition label?

How to read a nutrition label?

By Posted on 4 min read

As consumers, we need to pay close attention to nutritional information when selecting the products that will fill our plates. But as you know, this is easier said than done, as food packaging is first and foremost a marketing tool to sell the product. This is why in this article, we’ve gathered information on what to look for and how to interpret it!

Batch cooking: what to do and which errors to avoid

Batch cooking: what to do and which errors to avoid

By Posted on 3 min read

I must admit that the concept is quite tempting. In fact, you cook a recipe in large quantities so that you can divide it into several portions to be distributed throughout the week.