Tag Archives water

Edible corkscrews

Edible corkscrews

By Posted on 3 min read

Pasta is usually made from durum wheat flour and takes its name presumably from Latin pasta, alatinisation of the Greek pasta which means “barley porridge”. When flour and water are mixed …


The beauty of bread

The beauty of bread

By Posted on 2 min read

If there is one thing universally loved and eaten by all people then it must be bread. Bread has been staple food for generations of humans through centuries. The beauty of …


How Water gets Carbonated

How Water gets Carbonated

By Posted on 2 min read

Sparkling, mineral water, or selters is simply water that contains dissolved CO2. Carbon dioxide gas that tickles your mouth and throat or, if you put it more poetically, effervescent. Some like …


L’eau, source de vie ?

L’eau, source de vie ?

By Posted on 3 min read

Avec un titre pareil, on se croirait dans une publicité des années 70 ! Si le message est peut-être un peu réchauffé, il n’en demeure pas moins vrai. Voilà, tout est …