Après les fêtes de fin d’année, on a besoin d’une cure de désintoxication ! Voici trois options de smoothies super colorés, sans chichis, qui ne sont pas seulement beaux mais aussi délicieux – essayez-les !
Irina Goleva
Detox-Smoothies im Winter
Nach dem Fest ist vor dem Detox! Für einen gesunden Start ins neue Jahr zeigen wir euch heute drei gesunde, bunte Smoothies, die nicht nur grossartig aussehen sondern auch fantastisch schmecken. Unbedingt ausprobieren!
- 3 Scheiben Ananas Geschält und kleingeschnitten
- 1 Handvoll Babyspinatblätter frisch
- 1 kiwi Geschält und in Vierteln
- 1 Zweig Minze frisch, nur die Blätter
- 100 ml Wasser je nach Geschmack mehr hinzufügen
- 1 grosse Orange Geschält und in Vierteln
- 1 Karotte Geschält und geschnitten
- 1/2 Teelöffel Ingwer Frisch geschält und geschnitten
- 1/4 Teelöffel Kurkuma Frisch geraspelt
- 100 g Gefrorene Beeren
- 50 g Haferflocken
- 150 ml Mandelmilch oder eine andere pflanzliche Milch
- 1 Teelöffel Honig
- Einen Smoothie aussuchen, alle Zutaten in einen Mixer geben und mixen.
- Auf ein gesundes neues Jahr!
Russian Food Party – 30 June 2018 – La Palavrion
Being an expat comes with its own challenges – new people, new culture around, and of course new food! No surprise that we sometimes feel homesick and miss our native cuisine.
I am of Russian origin myself and after over 6 years that I have lived abroad I still have periods of craving my granny’s hand pies, typical Russian (or actually Soviet Union) table settings for New Years Eve and traditional feasts.
Of course you can cook it all yourself living here in Zurich – even Russian salad and our all time favourite yogurt-like drink “Kefir” can be found here in local stores. But still, most of Russian food is very time-consuming to cook, and often it’s just not the same.
So, when you are suddenly invited to a Russian Food Party, you know you can’t miss it!
The invitation already says it all – dress to impress! My Russian imagination immediately started to draw images of gorgeous women at full parade, wearing long evening gowns, spontaneous wild dancing on the tables, and rivers of alcohol pouring into endless glasses – and yes, this is exactly how Russian people party – everything just has to be a bit over the top. And of course the food! Mmm, Russian salad – bring it on! Borsch, lots of meat, roasted potatoes, hand pies, sour cabbage and pickled cucumbers – you name it!
In fact, the Russian Food Party event, hosted at Palavrion Restaurant in Zurich on June 30th, turned out something quite different – but definitely not less exciting!
Roasted salmon and quinoa lunch in a jar
[dropcap type=”default”]W[/dropcap]hat’s your favourite meal of the day? Mine is definitely lunch – the time when I can take a break from all those endless tasks and relax with bowl of something delicious and healthy!
Spring pasta with veggies, home made pesto and feta cheese
When I see asparagus at the local store I know – the spring is finally here! That’s when I pair it with tender green peas, colourful cherry tomatoes and whole grain pasta. And if you make your own pesto sauce to it – you will get a perfect pasta dish for a lovely lunch on your balcony!
So, lets grab these easy ingredients and cook – you will barely need 30 minutes to have this delicious dish on your table!
Winter Detox Smoothies
After holiday season calls for some healthy detox! Here are three options of super colorful, no fuss smoothies, which not only look but also taste great – do try them out!