All Posts By Minzipie

veganes Kokosnussglace

Posted on 1 min read

Oh Sommer, wie ich deine glühenden Tage und wundervoll warme Nächte liebe.
Um solche Tage zu perfektionieren, darf eine kühle Erfrischung auf keinen Fall fehlen. ICE ICE BABY!

Damit es dem lieben Gewissen nicht schlecht wird, gibt’s nachfolgend eine “gesunde” Variante ohne Zucker. So bleibt die Badifigur trotz Naschen knackig!


Eggplant – tomato salad w/ vegan paneer dressing

Posted on 1 min read

[dropcap type=”default”]F[/dropcap]or me eggplants and herbs are the epitome of summer. I know we can actually get everything during winter time. But the taste of a sun ripped tomato does make the difference. As well as that most of the vegetables are Swiss ones now. I like.

Combining different flavours makes it even better. Be brave, try various combinations. Since I like a lot of herbs, I mostly use more than one. Adding fruit and nuts to your salad does top it off.

Instead of Mayo I used vegan paneer for a creamy dressing.
