Limes – a rich source of vitamin c
First, limes are not always green, nor are they always round.
First, limes are not always green, nor are they always round.
Tout d’abord, les citrons verts ne sont pas toujours verts, ni toujours ronds.
Lemon. This bright yellow ellipsoidal fruit is among the most popular in the world and definitely one of the sourest. Its juice has, due to the citric acid, a pH as low as 2.2. And that’s the reason why lemons are so popular among people. Why? Because we simply love sour things.
Grapefruit, despite its telling name, is not a grape nor does it relate to the genera of vining plants Vitis. It’s an accidental hybrid of the sweet orange and the pomelo. …
Die Grapefruit (grape=Traube, fruit=Frucht) ist trotz ihres scheinbar aussagekräftigen Namens weder eine Traube noch bezieht sie sich auf die Gattungen der Weinrebe Vitis. Es ist ein zufälliger Hybrid der süssen Orange …
Botanical taxonomy is a very interesting sphere. Reading citrus classification is a pure delight per se. All those species, cultivars and hybrids of the Citrus genera is really a mind-blowing thing. …