Limes – a rich source of vitamin c

Posted on 2 min read

Thinking of a lime? Maybe all that springs to your mind is a green wedge decorating a cocktail or an occasional dessert. But this is just the tip of an iceberg when it comes to the world of limes.

First, limes are not always green, nor are they always round. This is thanks to the ability of this citrus to cross-pollinate with pretty much any other known citruses. The lime was thus able to get naturalised in all the continents with warmer climates.

All the citrus tree species moreover have one thing in common: they are a great source of vitamin C.

Limes conquered many parts of the word

Like other citrus plants, the lime originally comes from South East Asia and South Asia. Among other valuable goods for trade, the lime has then travelled to various parts of the world. It can be found in Polynesia and Micronesia, the Mediterranean region, Europe and the Americas.

The most common type of lime available in grocery stores is small, round and green with smooth skin (Key Lime). Then there are limes with wrinkly skins (Kafir and Markut Limes). Other limes are oval (Australian Finger Lime). Then there are red limes (Blood Lime) and yellow ones (Sweet Lime).

Limes play an essential role in many cuisines

Limes have become an inherent ingredient in Thai, Indian, Mexican and Mediterranean cuisines.

This brings us to the second point: limes are not just used as garnish. Think about lime juice. It’s widely used in baking, pickling and added to soups and sauces. And its zest makes excellent jellies and jams.

Packed with vitamin C, limes contain more sugar and acid than lemons. They are further a key ingredient in mojitos and margaritas, guacamole and marinades for fish.

Let’s make an American lime dessert

If limes are a “key”, then how about making this famous Key Lime Pie. It’s an American dessert made of Key Limes, originating in the Florida Keys.


  1. Wash and finely grate the zest of 5 limes (about 150 g / 5 oz). Squeeze the limes’ juice.
  2. Blitz 250 g / 8 oz digestive biscuits in a food processor and mix with 85 g / 3 oz melted butter or other baking spread.
  3. Press the biscuit dough into a round baking tin using your fingers and then flatten it with a spoon.
  4. Put the tin in a fridge for 15 minutes to chill.
  5. In the meantime, in a bowl, mix 300 ml / 10,5 oz double cream with 400 g / 14 oz condensed milk.
  6. Add the squeezed lime juice and most of the lime zest into the mixture. Reserve 2 tbsp of the zest for decorating. Combine the ingredients and stir until the mixture thickens.
  7. Pour the lime and cream mixture into the chilled tin with the biscuits dough and return to the fridge for 2 hours more.
  8. Once ready, decorate with whipped cream and sprinkle the reserved zest over the pie.

You can freeze the Key Lime Pie and serve it on a hot summer day as a light, refreshing pudding.

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