Kumquat – the golden olive-shaped delicatessen
The kumquat is the smallest representative of the citrus family, related to oranges, lemons and grapefruits. And its shape resembles of a large golden-coloured olive.
The kumquat is the smallest representative of the citrus family, related to oranges, lemons and grapefruits. And its shape resembles of a large golden-coloured olive.
First, limes are not always green, nor are they always round.
Often we don’t really pay attention to grapefruits – but these citrus fruits have a lot to offer! They contain vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, and the bitter substances stimulate digestion. Today we are making delicious grapefruit bars.
Botanical taxonomy is a very interesting sphere. Reading citrus classification is a pure delight per se. All those species, cultivars and hybrids of the Citrus genera is really a mind-blowing thing. …