Tag Archives health

Superfoods: what are they really good for?

Superfoods: what are they really good for?

By Posted on 3 min read

Superfoods have become extremely popular in the world of nutrition and health. They promise both exceptional flavour and a multitude of health benefits. But is the hype surrounding these foods, which are praised as being particularly rich in nutrients, justified? In this article, we take a closer look at these hyped foods.


How to read a nutrition label?

How to read a nutrition label?

By Posted on 4 min read

As consumers, we need to pay close attention to nutritional information when selecting the products that will fill our plates. But as you know, this is easier said than done, as food packaging is first and foremost a marketing tool to sell the product. This is why in this article, we’ve gathered information on what to look for and how to interpret it!

Having a cold: how to keep the rest of the family healthy

Having a cold: how to keep the rest of the family healthy

By Posted on 3 min read

Anyone with a family knows the scenario all too well: a child brings home a cold from school or nursery and soon the whole family has a cold, cough and sore throat. But this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. This article looks at the different ways families can protect themselves against colds and what to do in the event that everyone does catch a cold.


The best spices for your meals

The best spices for your meals

By Posted on 3 min read

It’s a world of a thousand flavours and a thousand colours capable of giving you a whole range of sensations, from a fire erupting like a volcano to the gentle subtlety of a sweet sensation… As you’ll have gathered, today we’re going to be talking about spices!


Keeping children healthy in wet conditions: tips & tricks

Keeping children healthy in wet conditions: tips & tricks

By Posted on 3 min read

Rainy days open up a source of joy and discovery for children as they jump through puddles in wellies and get enchanted by the raindrops. But wet and rainy days are also often a challenge, especially when it comes to keeping children healthy. Wetness and humidity can affect the immune system and lead to colds, flu or other health problems.

From weather-appropriate clothing to creative activities and fun rain games: discover practical advice in this article to make rainy days a memorable time for your kids without losing sight of their health.


The wonders of aloe vera

The wonders of aloe vera

By Posted on 3 min read

The wonders of aloe vera as a topical ointment against minor burns and scars have been known for over 4000 years.

