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Raw Vegan Cinnamon Stars

Raw Vegan Cinnamon Stars

By Posted on 1 min read

If we have to name one delicacy that belongs on the Christmas plate, it’s definitely the cinnamon star. Considered as a classic among the biscuits with its rustic nut flavour and …


Shakshuka – brunch’s ideal dish

Shakshuka – brunch’s ideal dish

By Posted on 1 min read

A funny named dish packed with oriental flavors. Decidedly, this delicious dish has everything to please! The shakshuka is a simple but mouth-watering recipe. It requires little preparation, which makes it …


Tangerine liqueur

Tangerine liqueur

By Posted on 1 min read
The mandarin probably comes from northeast India or southwest China. It contains the vitamines C, E and B, potassium and iron. By the way: the white skin of the pulp is edible and even very healthy!


Blueberry, pear and apple crumble

Blueberry, pear and apple crumble

By Posted on 0 min read
Fancy something fruity that also makes you really happy? Then try our delicious blueberry, pear and apple crumble! Here is the recipe!


Prunes/Blackberries Tart

Prunes/Blackberries Tart

By Posted on 1 min read
We welcome the month of September in all simplicity with these seasonal, delicious tarts, ideal for a casual afternoon snack!
