Tag Archives Patty

Create your monster

Create your monster

By Posted on 3 min read
Despite the seeming simplicity, cooking a veggie burger can be more challenging than the meat version. The veggie patty has to have a nice texture with lots of umami taste and smoky flavour. It has to hold its shape so that it won’t fall apart from the bun and of course it has to be complemented with other great plant-based ingredients and sauces so that everything together can be a stunning experience.


Erschaffe dein Monster

Erschaffe dein Monster

By Posted on 3 min read
Der herzhafte und würzige Veggie-Burger kann eine echte Sensation sein, wenn du ihn richtig zubereitest. Hier fangen jedoch die Probleme an, denn nicht alle Menschen können einen tatsächlich feinen Burger zubereiten.

