Pear and Plum Chutney
A chutney is a spicy, sometimes hot or sweet and sour sauce that originates from Indian cuisine. Today, we are cooking a chutney with pears and plums today.
A chutney is a spicy, sometimes hot or sweet and sour sauce that originates from Indian cuisine. Today, we are cooking a chutney with pears and plums today.
According to some scholars, plums may have been among the first fruits domesticated by us humans. Well, if it’s true then we definitely must know a thing or two about them. …
Often associated with the “Fête du Jeûne” in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, plum pie is a traditional dessert during the month of September. It is a delicate pleasure that gathers …
Associé à la fête du Jeûne en Suisse romande, le gâteau aux pruneaux est un grand classique du mois de septembre. C’est un plaisir gourmand qui rassemble les grands et les …