Tag Archives producers

Straight from producer to consumer

Straight from producer to consumer

By Posted on 2 min read
Cutting out the middleman between producers and consumers: what’s the difference? What’s in it for us? Of course it makes a difference. Of course we gain enormously.


AMSELSPITZ®: tempting milk creations with a touch of nostalgia

AMSELSPITZ®: tempting milk creations with a touch of nostalgia

By Posted on 4 min read
They produce neither industrially nor in bulk – and this you can taste. AMSELSPITZ® Milchwerkstatt turns milk into irresistible products that make you reminisce. We were permitted a peek over their shoulder during production.


Happy Foie: the delicious and ethical twist on foie gras

Happy Foie: the delicious and ethical twist on foie gras

By Posted on 2 min read
In the world of gastronomy, foie gras has long been celebrated as a culinary treasure, gracing the tables of fine dining establishments. However, the traditional methods of production, involving force-feeding, have raised ethical concerns among conscious consumers. Our producer Happy Foie has emerged as a beacon of compassion and innovation, redefining foie gras production and elevating the dining experience to new heights. In this article, we’ll delve into how Happy Foie is revolutionising foie gras production by prioritising ethical practices and explore the unique experience it offers.


Farm shop products and everything else: the extended Farmy range

Farm shop products and everything else: the extended Farmy range

By Posted on 2 min read
Farmy has always been the first choice for fresh, quality products from transparent sources directly from the producer, as well as sustainable, convenient shopping. Now we have expanded our range with selected brands. In this article, you’ll find out why and what benefits this has for you.


The First Swiss Oat Drink from the Farm

The First Swiss Oat Drink from the Farm

By Posted on 5 min read
The mission: to produce the healthiest, most sustainable and best oat drink in Switzerland. Did our producer, Jucker Farm, succeed? We were given the opportunity to take a closer look at the oat drink and the production process at their official oat drink event at the Bächlihof in Jona.


Why we offer products from abroad at Farmy

Why we offer products from abroad at Farmy

By Posted on 3 min read
Precisely because we rely on products that do not originate from Switzerland in order to provide you with a great range of products, we have strict standards on how we select these.
