Tempeh crumble
Have you ever had tempeh? If not, this tempeh crumble recipe is for you! It’s not only delicious, but super easy as well! Moreover, it’s perfect to add some crunch to your wintery meals.
Have you ever had tempeh? If not, this tempeh crumble recipe is for you! It’s not only delicious, but super easy as well! Moreover, it’s perfect to add some crunch to your wintery meals.
Tofu is a good source of protein and many people worldwide include tofu as an ingredient in their diet. Tofu is often eaten as cubes floating in soup or mixed with salad ingredients.
Remplacer le poisson par des alternatives végétales aide non seulement les mers surexploitées, mais aussi ta santé, car cela permet d’éviter les dioxines, les microplastiques et autres polluants nocifs que l’on …
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