À notre avis, l’avoine est plutôt géniale ! Pourquoi ? Tout d’abord, cet aliment à base de céréales complètes est une source saine de glucides, extrêmement riche en protéines végétales et en fibres. Ainsi, les flocons d’avoine sont bons pour le système digestif et fournissent en même temps une énergie durable. Ils contiennent également de nombreux minéraux tels que le fer, le magnésium, le zinc et le phosphore, ainsi que de précieuses vitamines B telles que les vitamines B1, B3, B5 et B6. Selon diverses études, l’avoine contribue également à réduire non seulement la pression artérielle, mais aussi le taux de cholestérol ainsi que la glycémie, prévenant ainsi le diabète. En outre, les flocons d’avoine ont également un effet anti-inflammatoire.
For the love of oats
In our opinion, oats are pretty great! Why? Firstly, this whole grain food is a healthy source of carbohydrates, which is extremely rich in plant protein and fiber. Thus, oat flakes are good for the digestive system and provide sustainable energy at the same time. They also contain numerous minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, as well as valuable B vitamins such as B1, B3, B5 and B6. According to various studies, oats also help to lower not only blood pressure, but also the levels of cholesterol as well as blood sugar, thus preventing diabetes. In addition, oat flakes also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Haferflocken sind ganz schön toll! Warum? Zunächst, weil dieses Vollkorn-Lebensmittel eine gesunde Kohlenhydratquelle darstellt, die äusserst reich am pflanzlichen Eiweiss und Ballaststoffen ist. Somit tun Haferflöckli der Verdauung gut und sorgen gleichzeitig für nachhaltige Energie. Zudem enthalten sie zahlreiche Mineralstoffe wie Eisen, Magnesium, Zink und Phosphor sowie wertvolle B-Vitamine wie B1, B3, B5 und B6. Laut verschiedenen Studien tragen Haferflocken ausserdem dazu bei, nicht nur den Blutdruck, sondern auch den Cholesterin- sowie Blutzuckerspiegel zu senken und somit Diabetes vorzubeugen. Darüber hinaus haben Haferflöckli einen entzündungshemmenden Effekt.
Il est question de smoothies !
Qui n’aime pas un délicieux smoothie ? Ces bombes vitaminées nutritives sont une alternative saine et délicieuse lorsque tu as la dent sucrée. De plus, elles peuvent être préparées en quelques minutes et être consommées en route.
Cela étant dit, tous les smoothies ne se ressemblent pas – le profil nutritionnel de ces délicieuses boissons dépend de leur composition. Comme une abondance de sucre et de calories peut rapidement se retrouver dans un smoothie, il est conseillé de mesurer (au moins grossièrement) les ingrédients avant de les mettre dans le mixeur. De cette façon, les smoothies peuvent être adaptés à tout régime alimentaire. Dans cet article, nous te montrerons exactement comment le faire !
Let’s talk about smoothies!
Who doesn’t love a yummy smoothie? These nutritious vitamin bombs are a healthy and delicious alternative when you have a sweet tooth. An added bonus is that they can be prepared in minutes and enjoyed on the go.
That being said, not all smoothies are created equal — the nutritional profile of these delicious drinks depends on their composition. Since an abundance of sugar and calories can quickly get into a smoothie, it is advisable to at least roughly measure the ingredients before putting them into the blender. In this way, smoothies can be adapted to any diet. We will show you exactly how to do this in this article!
Light smoothies
Smoothies are excellent for healthy weight loss, a detox cure or for a vitamin kick in between meals. For best results, use ingredients that are low in calories but still rich in nutrients.
The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “detox” is probably the classic — a green smoothie! For a literal vitamin ABC, vitamin A and B rich apples can be used as the base for the smoothie, along with kiwis, which contain an amazing amount of vitamin C. Since most of the apple’s nutrients are in or just under its skin, it’s best to puree them unpeeled.
For even more greens, leafy greens such as spinach or kale can be used. These delicious leaves provide plenty of vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting as well as the formation of osteocalcin, a protein necessary for bone mineralisation.
Green smoothies can also be enriched with raw veggies such as broccoli, fennel or celery. Fennel, in particular, contains lots of anti-inflammatory antioxidants and also has antibacterial and antiviral effects. Berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries or cranberries can be used to infuse a slight sweetness or acidity into the smoothie. For a bit of freshness, consider ingredients like mint, watermelon or cucumber.
Not in a green mood? Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange or grapefruit are a great base for an orange smoothie and provide you with a vitamin C and folic acid kick. Carrots pair amazingly well with the tart taste of citrus fruits and supplement the smoothie with beta-carotene, which is then converted into vitamin A in the body.
Do you think smoothies are more of a summer thing? No way! In the colder months, you should definitely try a smoothie with beetroot. This winter wonder vegetable is rich in betaine, which stimulates liver cell function, strengthens the gallbladder and even reduces the risk of heart disease. Ginger also proves to be a great smoothie ingredient, especially during the cold season. It stimulates the metabolism and provides inner warmth on chilly days. For a pleasant, warming spiciness in a wintry smoothie, we recommend turmeric, which can develop its anti-inflammatory effect in the body particularly well in combination with black pepper.
Mix and match all these ingredients to find your favourite combination.
Ingredients for a tropical detox smoothie:
- 200ml coconut water
- 200g pineapple
- 1 orange
- 5g ginger
Breakfast smoothies
No time to prepare a nutritious breakfast in the morning? Think again! In fact, smoothies are one of the best time-saving alternatives for breakfast. It is so easy to meal-prep — all you have to do is portion out the ingredients in advance and put them in the fridge. Just blend them the next morning and you have your breakfast smoothie!
Besides the ingredients mentioned above, the magic keyword for an energy boost in the morning is healthy carbohydrates. For example, whole grain flakes such as oat, quinoa or millet flakes can provide you with sustainable energy in the morning. They contain complex carbohydrates that are absorbed more slowly by the body and thus slow down the rise in blood sugar. As a result, you stay full longer and don’t end up in a lunch break slump.
At the same time, the healthy fructose in bananas provides quick energy in the morning. In combination with magnesium, which supports nerve function, the curved fruit promotes concentration and performance. Dates also give the body a healthy energy kick — not only because of their fructose, but also thanks to their nutrients such as vitamins B and C and iron.
For an additional boost, caffeine can be added to the smoothie by means of a shot of coffee or espresso. This works especially well in smoothies with bananas and (plant-based) milk.
Ingredients for an apple-cinnamon breakfast smoothie:
- 200ml almond beverage
- 4 tbsp basic muesli, quinoa muesli or oats
- 1 apple
- 1 tbsp almond butter
- some cinnamon
Fitness smoothies
Protein-rich and filling smoothies in particular are great for stimulating muscle growth after a workout.
As mentioned earlier, ingredients such as bananas, dates and oatmeal pump up smoothies with healthy carbohydrates, providing a rich base for an after-workout smoothie. Healthy proteins, fibre and fats enter the smoothie through peanut butter, almond butter or a handful of nuts such as almonds, cashews or tree nuts. The latter contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which not only have positive effects on memory and the heart but also on building muscles after a workout. Seeds such as flax or chia seeds can also complement a smoothie with plenty of protein.
Avocado is a healthy source of unsaturated fatty acids and also contains potassium, which is an electrolyte. Electrolytes regulate water balance and are lost as soon as the body experiences water loss, such as during exercise – avocados therefore compensate for these losses in no time.
Yoghurt is also an excellent source of protein, be it the classic natural yoghurt, skyr, Greek yoghurt or the vegan alternatives made from soya, lupins or almonds. For even more protein, protein powder can be added to the smoothie. However, care should be taken to ensure that it is as free as possible from refined sugar, syrups, artificial sweeteners, starch, gluten or other artificial ingredients. In fact, it is much healthier if the sweetness of the smoothie comes from unprocessed sugar from fresh fruit.
Ingredients for a protein-rich smoothie
- 200ml soy milk
- 6 tbsp oat flakes
- 1 banana
- 1 tbsp cashew butter
- 1 tsp chia seeds
- Optional: 50g raspberries or blueberries for sweetness
- Optional: 30g protein powder or 150g natural soy yoghurt for an extra protein kick
Ready-made smoothies from Farmy
Don’t have the time or interest to mix something yourself? We have some vitamin bombs for you!
L’élevage “en plein air” – Qu’est-ce que cela signifie réellement ?
“En réalité, c’est assez simple – je me demande juste ce que j’aimerais en termes de liberté.”
Esther Vock de Wendelinhof sur l’élevage
Des œufs frais pour les œufs brouillés pour le matin, des cervelas pour le soir : en cherchant ces ingrédients, tu as probablement rencontré des termes tels que “agriculture biologique”, “agriculture en plein air”, “agriculture d’étable”, “élevage en grange”, entre autres, en faisant tes courses. Ces termes indiquent le type d’élevage de l’animal en question et fournissent des informations sur ses conditions de vie et son bien-être.