Tag Archives beetroot

Tacos with beetroot puree and green vegetables

Tacos with beetroot puree and green vegetables

By Posted on 1 min read
This vegan recipe with a taste of Mexico is suitable for young and old alike. The beetroot puree adds a touch of sweetness and colour to this dish.


Beetroot cultivation from the stems and leaves to the roots

Beetroot cultivation from the stems and leaves to the roots

By Posted on 2 min read
Beetroot sprouts and microgreens will undoubtedly brighten any salad, smoothy, stir fry, or soup.


Banana, chocolate and beetroot cake

Banana, chocolate and beetroot cake

By Posted on 1 min read
This cake recipe is naturally sweetened with beetroot and banana. It contains nutritious fatty acids, protein and energy. A perfect snack for children (but also for adults)!


Beetroot and vegetable crepes

Beetroot and vegetable crepes

By Posted on 0 min read

{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org\/”,”@type”:”Recipe”,”name”:”Beetroot and vegetable crepes”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Aurelia Corbaz”},”datePublished”:”2022-01-18 10:43:00″,”image”:”https:\/\/eggandplant.farmy.ch\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/01\/cr\u00eapes-sal\u00e9es-scaled.jpg”,”description”:””,”recipeYield”:”10 cr\u00eapes”,”prepTime”:”PT30M”,”cookTime”:”PT15M”,”recipeIngredient”:[“330 g buckwheat flour”,”10 g coarse salt”,”50 ml cold water”,”15 ml beetroot juice”,”1 egg”,”1\/2 squash”,”2 parsnips”,”100 g fresh spinach”,”150 g sheep’s cheese”],”recipeInstructions”:[“Mix the flour and …


Sweet buckwheat & beetroot scones

Sweet buckwheat & beetroot scones

By Posted on 1 min read
Looking for something to surprise your guests with? Then try this recipe! These sweet scones have a refreshing colour and are perfect for any brunch, breakfast or even as a snack!


Autumn in detox mode

Autumn in detox mode

By Posted on 4 min read
Grapes, prunes, apples, pears are the stars during fall. Of course, I left a couple aside, but these local fruits are a the perfect treat for your body during stressful times. A lowered exposure to sunlight and colder temperatures are stress factors, not to mention work and daily-routine.
