Tag Archives breakfast

Raspberry and chia seeds jam

Raspberry and chia seeds jam

By Posted on 1 min read
There is no need to introduce chia seeds. Thanks to their exceptional nutritional properties, these little seeds allow us to make homemade jam really easily.


Açaï bowl

Açaï bowl

By Posted on 1 min read
Running out of breakfast ideas? Then here is a delicious açaï bowl recipe. It’s refreshing, healthy and so good.


Bowl cake – no added sugar

Bowl cake – no added sugar

By Posted on 1 min read
Have you heard of bowl cakes? They are super simple and super fast recipes for breakfast or snacks. If you try it for the first time, you will be amazed by the result: a nice soft cake with great flavours.


Açaï bowl

Açaï bowl

By Posted on 1 min read
Tu es à court d’idées de petit déjeuner ? Alors voici une délicieuse recette d’açaï bowl. C’est rafraîchissant, sain et tellement bon.


Sweet chestnut cream

Sweet chestnut cream

By Posted on 1 min read
Chestnuts were an indispensable staple food from the 11th through to the 18th century. Due to their high starch content, these chestnut fruits were ground into flour, which was used for the making of bread.


Breakfast bowl

Breakfast bowl

By Posted on 1 min read
Un super breakfast bowl plein de vitamines pour débuter une journée haute en couleurs. Parfait pour les premières journées d’hiver et tout aussi bon en été.
