Ready for Veganuary?
Every year in January, the so-called Veganuary motivates millions of people worldwide to discover and test the plant-based diet. But why should you join this trend?
Every year in January, the so-called Veganuary motivates millions of people worldwide to discover and test the plant-based diet. But why should you join this trend?
The mission: to produce the healthiest, most sustainable and best oat drink in Switzerland. Did our producer, Jucker Farm, succeed? We were given the opportunity to take a closer look at the oat drink and the production process at their official oat drink event at the Bächlihof in Jona.
Cleaning your kitchen with natural products can be beneficial for our wallet, but also for our health. Not only are unnatural cleaning products not good for the planet nor for us, but they can also pollute our indoor air. Some cleaning products can even be toxic if not rinsed properly.
If, like me, you tend to be increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of your daily choices and pay attention to the way you consume, then I imagine that this topic has inevitably crossed your mind: how can you continue your little eco-friendly gestures all the way to the office?
It is entirely possible to reduce waste in the workplace.
Here are 3 tips that will bring a real change to your daily life.