Ready for Veganuary?

Posted on 2 min read

Every year in January, the so-called Veganuary motivates millions of people worldwide to discover and test the plant-based diet. But why should you join this trend?

What is Veganuary?

“Veganuary” is made up of the words January and vegan. Moreover, Veganuary is a British non-profit organisation that inspires people all over the world to try out a plant-based diet for a month. The focus is on delicious recipes, new creations and helpful tips and tricks.

What are the benefits of a plant-based diet?

Especially after the intense Christmas season and the calorie-rich festive food, a plant-based diet supports your health. It is ideal for detoxifying the body and rewarding it with healthy and nutrient-rich food after the numerous savoury or sweet delicacies.

But a plant-based diet not only makes sense for your health, but also for the environment and to minimise your carbon footprint.

Because those who rely on a plant-based and regional diet have a lower carbon footprint compared to carnivores. This is partly because meat production requires a lot of resources, which can have a negative impact on the environment and CO2 emissions (German source).

How to maintain a plant-based diet

Breaking old habits is not always easy. This makes it all the more important to break long-standing routines with a positive experience and thus integrate them more easily into everyday life. So here are a few simple tips on how to do it:

  • Tasty recipes: Try new recipes and get inspired by vegan cookbooks and recipes. The more delicious your dishes become, the more you’ll enjoy Veganuary.
  • Substitutes: Every year, more and more plant-based products are introduced to the market to complement the plant-based diet or make it easier to get started. You can already find a wide range of meat substitutes and vegan dairy products at Farmy.
  • Have fun:Don’t see Veganuary as a chore, but as an inspiration to try something new and discover numerous delicacies.
  • Ask questions: Dare to ask all your questions and share with like-minded people. This makes a plant-based diet a common goal and makes the transition easier. The Swiss Vegan Society (German source) also provides helpful tips.


It doesn’t matter if you actually make it through the 30 days of Veganuary. Even if you don’t succeed in eating only plant-based food for 30 days, the Veganuary is a valuable and unforgettable experience for many participants. In fact, many people report that they experienced some personally valuable insights during this time.

So it may well be that you discover a plant-based diet for yourself or that you realise that your diet does not have to contain ONLY animal products. Or maybe you decide to eat less meat, but of higher quality and from the region. Or you may realise that a plant-based diet is just not for you. No matter what effects the Veganuary has for you, you will be one experience richer afterwards :wink:

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