Fun Easter activities for children

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Finally, the dark and cold weather is over: the days are getting longer, the snowdrops are already sprouting and spring is finally in the air. The Easter holidays are also not too far away and usually many children are already eagerly waiting for the Easter bunny and its chocolate. To sweeten the children’s waiting time and to give boredom no chance during the school holidays, here is a list of activities for children during the Easter period.

Making cress heads

If children enjoy cooking, making a herb bed is a very good idea for an educational pastime. Cress is particularly good for growing yourself. This herb is not only nutritious and healthy, but also extremely easy to plant and care for.

How about using empty eggshells as a pot? The children can cook the eggs, eat them and decorate them afterwards to recycle them. With these instructions for fun cress eggs, you can create a mini cress bed in no time at all, which also makes for a great Easter decoration.

Easter crafts with paper

Paper is a versatile craft material that is well suited for crafts with children – especially at Easter.

Make Easter chicks out of paper

Aside from rabbits and lambs, chicks are a very popular motif. With this craft sheet, which contains three different templates, you can make a hearty Easter decoration in just a few steps. Each template contains a piece of paper with folding lines and pre-rubberised tabs. These help to glue the pages together to create the colourful Easter chicks.

Making Easter baskets out of paper

This template for Easter baskets is also ideal for crafting with paper. Three different templates are included here to make Easter baskets. The children colour in the templates and then simply put them together according to the instructions. The Easter baskets can then be filled with small gifts, Easter eggs or Easter chocolate. Alternatively, they can simply be used as Easter decorations.

Bake ladybird muffins

Whether it’s a delicious butter plait or a juicy carrot cake – people naturally like to bake at Easter. But how about something different, like ladybird muffins? With this recipe (German source), the little ones can create their own sugary muffins with just a few ingredients and in a few steps.

With sugar pens, Smarties and chocolate sauce, the muffins can then be jazzed up and transformed into ladybird muffins. This activity not only promotes fine motor skills and creativity, but also allows children to feel pride after successful baking, thus boosting their self-esteem.

Easter activity book for children

Even during the school holidays, it is advisable to give the children tasks to keep their brains busy – but preferably nicely packaged so that they do not feel bored and pressured. The more creative the children can be, the more fun learning is and the more motivated the little ones are. Games such as “10 gewinnt!” or funny tongue twisters can also promote children’s ability to concentrate and brain development. With worksheets on the topic of Easter, the children can also keep themselves busy.

This Easter activity booklet has ten pages packed with fun activities, such as search puzzles, number matching exercises and colouring pictures.

Have fun trying them out. We wish you a wonderful Easter!

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