Tag Archives health

How to clean the fridge and oven with natural products

How to clean the fridge and oven with natural products

By Posted on 2 min read
Cleaning your kitchen with natural products can be beneficial for our wallet, but also for our health. Not only are unnatural cleaning products not good for the planet nor for us, but they can also pollute our indoor air. Some cleaning products can even be toxic if not rinsed properly.


Batch cooking: what to do and which errors to avoid

Batch cooking: what to do and which errors to avoid

By Posted on 3 min read
I must admit that the concept is quite tempting. In fact, you cook a recipe in large quantities so that you can divide it into several portions to be distributed throughout the week.


Super healthy oleaginous drink

Super healthy oleaginous drink

By Posted on 3 min read
Preparing your own dairy-free milk is remarkably simple. In addition to being able to flavour them according to your wishes, dairy-free milks are also very interesting from a nutritional point of view. Oilseeds are such true nuggets that it would be a shame to exclude them from your diet.


Juice or smoothie, which one to choose?

Juice or smoothie, which one to choose?

By Posted on 3 min read
Juice or smoothie? Which one to choose? Which one is better for your health? As usual, there is no straightforward answer, as it depends on what you are looking for…


It’s snack time! Which one should you choose?

It’s snack time! Which one should you choose?

By Posted on 3 min read
The first thing to take into consideration is that eating a snack does not make you fat and will only have a positive impact if you choose what you are going to eat with common sense.


A light dinner for a peaceful sleep

A light dinner for a peaceful sleep

By Posted on 2 min read
In the evening, it is recommended to eat light. It has been proven that eating a light and balanced meal 2 to 3 hours before bedtime gives us a more peaceful and therefore a better sleep. Who wouldn’t want to?

