Our producer: Taucherli

Posted on 3 min read

The chocolate company Taucherli offers the finest Swiss drinking and bar chocolate. The seven different flavours will impress every chocolate lover and boast an exceptional quality and fair trade concept. Whether praline or drinking chocolate on a stick, the hand-made products are a pleasure for all senses.

Please introduce your company in three sentences

We are TAUCHERLI and are thus called because of our style of drinking chocolate, which is dipped in the hot drink. We produce artisanal chocolate Bean to Bar (from the bean to the chocolate bar), which has won international awards.

Our colourful chocolate bars are hand poured from the finest chocolate and refined with unique additives such as chili, Zurich rape seeds, cracked sugar, rose petals and much more.

How does a normal working day look for you?

We get into production, discuss as a team what is on the agenda today and which chocolate we have to produce next. Heavy bags of cocoa beans are moved and emptied.

During the roasting process the whole production area is filled with a unique scent (not at all resembling chocolate), then the beans are cracked and passed through the pre-grinder. This mass is put into the conching machine — with or without sugar – where it is turned for up to 90 hours.

During this time other chocolates are poured off and poured into the chocolate moulds. Then the chocolates pass through the 12 metre long cooling tunnel, are packed and go to final storage. From there they are packed into a parcel for, for example, Farmy and shipped. In between there is, of course, a coffee and lunch break and a chat among colleagues.

What is special about your products and their production?

The special thing about it is that we buy the cocoa beans directly and do all the cracking, roasting, conching and finishing up to the chocolate bar ourselves in Zurich Adliswil. We are both chocolatier and chocolate maker.

Are your products certified? If so, by which certifications and why?

Yes, some of our products are labelled EU organic. It is important to us that we use sustainable and high quality products.

Which channels do you use to sell your products?

We have our own Online Shop, we “were” regularly at fairs, festivals and events, where we sell the chocolate directly at our market stand. We are also happy that we have partners like Farmy, who sell our chocolates.

Why did you decide to work with Farmy?

We believe in the Farmy concept and are proud to be listed with Farmy. Regional, fresh, authentic and quality — what more could you want?

What changes has the crisis brought about for your company?

Not necessarily changes in that sense. We have just become even more thorough in the implementation of hygiene measures and have divided ourselves up differently within the team so that we can maintain the two-metre distances.

Since some of our major customers closed their doors immediately, we had a significant drop in orders. We also had to cancel some chocolate courses. Since we work in a small factory, the two-metre distance has not always been the easiest to keep.

Do you see potential or opportunities arising from the crisis?

We had a virtual chocolate tasting. It was a great experience with international potential.

Anything else you’d like to say?

Many thanks for your dedication, your support and the excellent cooperation.

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