Tag Archives smoothie

Let’s talk about smoothies!

Let’s talk about smoothies!

By Posted on 5 min read

Who doesn’t love a yummy smoothie? These nutritious vitamin bombs are a healthy and delicious alternative when you have a sweet tooth. An added bonus is that they can be prepared in minutes and enjoyed on the go.That being said, not all smoothies are created equal — the nutritional profile of these delicious drinks depends on their composition. Since an abundance of sugar and calories can quickly get into a smoothie, it is advisable to at least roughly measure the ingredients before putting them into the blender. In this way, smoothies can be adapted to any diet. We will show you exactly how to do this in this article!


The benefits of spirulina

The benefits of spirulina

By Posted on 1 min read

Spirulina’s list of benefits is so long that it makes you dizzy. Its nutritional qualities are simply exceptional!

Smooth, smoother, Smoothies!

Smooth, smoother, Smoothies!

By Posted on 5 min read

Let’s talk about Smoothies! Diese Vitamin- und Nährstoffbomben sind eine gesunde und leckere Alternative bei Lust auf Süsses. Zudem sind sie in Minutenschnelle zubereitet und können auch unterwegs genossen werden.


Juice or smoothie, which one to choose?

Juice or smoothie, which one to choose?

By Posted on 3 min read

Juice or smoothie? Which one to choose? Which one is better for your health? As usual, there is no straightforward answer, as it depends on what you are looking for…


Smoother Ingwer

Smoother Ingwer

By Posted on 1 min read

In der kalten Jahreszeit brauchen wir Getränke, die uns von innen aufheizen – und das muss nicht immer Tee oder Kaffee sein, sondern wir können die Kraft und Schärfe von Ingwer nutzen. Gleichzeitig ist der Ingwer-Smoothie super gesund und richtig fein!


Detox saine pour après les fêtes

Detox saine pour après les fêtes

By Posted on 3 min read

Après le grand festin de Noël, une cure detox permet de nettoyer notre corps. Cependant, les detox ne doivent pas nécessairement être coûteuses ou compliquées. Je vous montrerai comment vous remettre …
