Tag Archives summer

Summertime equals sorbet time

Summertime equals sorbet time

By Posted on 3 min read
Sorbet is a vegan-friendly option which will add minimal calorie count to your daily intake.


Cold Brew – THE beverage for hot days

Cold Brew – THE beverage for hot days

By Posted on 1 min read
Not cold coffee! As the name suggests, coffee is brewed cold when it comes to cold brew. This makes it taste much less bitter in the end than if you were to brew it warm and then let it cool down. Cold brew concentrate is also very easy to prepare. It is best to fill it into a bottle afterwards and store it in the fridge. And as soon as you feel like it: just add water or (plant-based) milk, a few ice cubes and enjoy.


Pesto – the traditional Italian sauce

Pesto – the traditional Italian sauce

By Posted on 2 min read
However, if you make pesto from scratch using fresh ingredients, it might pleasantly surprise you.


Trout, leek and chicory with vanilla sauce

Trout, leek and chicory with vanilla sauce

By Posted on 1 min read
Trout is very popular because of its high protein content compared to its low fat content. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, it contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 and B6. Together with the leek and the chicory, it simply tastes divine!


Peach seduction

Peach seduction

By Posted on 1 min read
Did you know that the very first fruit eaten on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission was a peach? Or that the peach is 2.6 million years old – one of the oldest fruits ever? Never mind – we’re “just” using it for a cake today. Without using an oven at all.


Meat burger – a juicy delicatessen for BBQ enthusiasts

Meat burger – a juicy delicatessen for BBQ enthusiasts

By Posted on 2 min read
Not every beef burger will taste the same, and often it has nothing to do with how you cook it but the ratio of fat in the mince used.

