Celery Rösti
Everyone knows Rösti. But this recipe puts a twist to this traditional Swiss dish.
Everyone knows Rösti. But this recipe puts a twist to this traditional Swiss dish.
Shopping online is fast, easy and can suit your preferences. This is possible thanks to the filters on the Farmy website. Discover all our sorting options in this article.
Asparagus is a precious delicacy, especially in Switzerland! But why are asparagus from Switzerland more expensive and asparagus from Mexico, for example, much cheaper? This article gives six reasons why asparagus in Switzerland has a higher price than in other countries.
Im Tessin bestehen seit 90 Jahren regionale Reisanbaugebiete. Der Betrieb Terreni alla Maggia besitzt Reisfelder im Maggia-Delta und produziert eine heimische Alternative zum asiatischen Reis. Weshalb der Tessiner Reisanbau zur unerwarteten Erfolgsgeschichte wurde, berichten wir euch hier.
Regional rice growing areas have existed in Ticino for the past 90 years. The company Terreni alla Maggia owns rice fields in the Maggia Delta and produces a local alternative to Asian rice. We will be looking at why rice cultivation in Ticino has become an unexpected success story.
Apricots, with their velvety soft skin, are particularly popular with the Swiss. However, not all locals know that the orange fruit is grown directly in their own country — despite the fact that apricot production has been a tradition in Valais for many years and is part of the cultural heritage of the canton of Valais.