Don’t mock the tofu!
Tofu is a good source of protein and many people worldwide include tofu as an ingredient in their diet. Tofu is often eaten as cubes floating in soup or mixed with salad ingredients.
Tofu is a good source of protein and many people worldwide include tofu as an ingredient in their diet. Tofu is often eaten as cubes floating in soup or mixed with salad ingredients.
Es ist wahr, Tofu in seiner einfachsten Form direkt aus der Packung kann etwas fad schmecken. Aber dieses vielseitige Produkt verdient wirklich eine zweite Chance!
There are a growing number of healthy plant-based alternatives that not only taste good but are also good for the environment. Therefore, we here present some delicious alternatives to fish and seafood so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of fatty acids in your daily diet.
Springtime is salad time! Take advantage of the asparagus season and prepare this healthy, nutritious and vegan salad bowl.
Why last? Because it is so good that you won’t want to make another one again! You want to know the secret ingredient? Tofu!
Warum das letzte? Weil es so gut ist, dass du niemals wieder ein anderes essen willst! Die geheime Zutat? Tofu!