Tag Archives health

Optimal nutrition for active people – Tips for a healthy sports diet

Optimal nutrition for active people – Tips for a healthy sports diet

By Posted on 2 min read
At a time when fitness and health are such an important part of our lives, the importance of a balanced diet for sporting performance is becoming increasingly clear.


Bulgur porridge with coconut milk and fresh fruit

Bulgur porridge with coconut milk and fresh fruit

By Posted on 1 min read
Can be eaten hot or cold and keeps for 3 days. However, porridge has a tendency to dry out, so add a little milk or yoghurt if you want to eat it in the days following preparation to keep the smooth texture.


Do children need meat?

Do children need meat?

By Posted on 4 min read
The trend towards a plant-based diet is gaining more and more followers and numerous people are opting for a meat-free diet. But is a vegetarian or vegan diet a healthy nutritional approach for children? This article answers this question and takes a closer look at plant-based nutrition for children.


Creative ways to sneak vegetables into your child’s diet

Creative ways to sneak vegetables into your child’s diet

By Posted on 2 min read
Parents are often faced with children who don’t want to eat vegetables. Fortunately, there are clever ways you can sneak vegetables into your child’s diet without them realising it. In this article, we will show you several creative methods that are both fun and time-saving.


How to deal with food intolerances in children

How to deal with food intolerances in children

By Posted on 2 min read
It can be a challenge when your child has a food intolerance. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the right diet and manage everyday life in a way that keeps your child healthy and happy. But don’t worry, here are some tips to help you cope with this situation.


Get ready for spring!

Get ready for spring!

By Posted on 3 min read
In this article, I’m going to share with you some tips for getting through this transition period (which can sometimes be trying) in the best possible conditions. But first, I want to tell you about two foods that symbolise the transition from winter to spring.

