Tag Archives lunch

Courgette waffles

Courgette waffles

By Posted on 1 min read

The courgette adds softness and moisture to the recipe, without changing the taste. In short, I find that this vegetable adds a little extra to the dough. Moreover, it is a clever way of getting young and old to consume a vegetable without really noticing it.

Brunching – the relaxed way of eating

Brunching – the relaxed way of eating

By Posted on 3 min read

Being quite a modern invention, brunch is probably one of the most loved meal categories.


Gaufres de courgettes

Gaufres de courgettes

By Posted on 1 min read

Pourquoi ajouter de la courgette ? Ce légume apporte du moelleux et de l’humidité à la recette, sans en modifier le goût. Bref, je trouve que ce légume apporte un petit plus à la pâte. D’ailleurs, c’est un moyen astucieux de faire manger un légumes aux récalcitrants jeunes et moins jeunes.

What belongs in a healthy snack box

What belongs in a healthy snack box

By Posted on 3 min read

Sandwich, apple, carrot, cucumber, maybe a muesli bar and some chocolate for snacking. Almost everyone knows the snack box that children usually take to school. But what ingredients should be chosen so that the lunch box is both filling and healthy?


Savoury pancakes with spinach, ricotta & smoked salmon

Savoury pancakes with spinach, ricotta & smoked salmon

By Posted on 1 min read

This savoury pancake recipe is perfect for your summer brunches and lunches. It mixes various flavours and nutritional benefits and is balanced in nutrients for a complete meal.


Pancakes salés aux épinards, ricotta & saumon fumé

Pancakes salés aux épinards, ricotta & saumon fumé

By Posted on 1 min read

Cette recette de pancakes salés est parfaite pour tes brunchs ou lunchs d’été. Elle mélange diverses saveurs et bienfaits nutritionnels et est équilibrée en nutriments pour un repas complet.
