November – when autumn turns into winter

Posted on 2 min read

At the beginning of November, autumn still shows itself with warm days and colorful leaves. The leaves then slowly fall to the ground, the trees become balder and the first frosty mortars await you. In the middle of this month, already below zero, a beastly wind is blowing towards you. And when the first snowflakes appear towards the end of the month, you know that autumn has passed and winter is just around the corner.

3 exciting facts about the month of November

  1. The name “November” comes from the Latin word novem (nine). In the Roman calendar it was the ninth month of the year.
  2. In the northern hemisphere of the world, November is a cold month, whereas in the southern hemisphere it is a spring month
  3. In November there are fairy tales in many cities. For example, the Onibelemärit in Bern is particularly famous. But also the Uster Märt, the oldest market in the Zurich canton, is always well attended.

How I can prepare for the winter

Keep yourself warm. You can also do some preventative measures in November so that you don’t get sick later on and winter really knocks you out.
Our tip: drink tea and dress warmly!

Make yourself comfortable at home. During this time of the year we often feel most comfortable at home because it’s nice and warm there. Redecorate different rooms, put some warm blankets and pillows on the sofa and fill up your tea stock.
Our tip: candles bring the perfect atmosphere into the house!

Vitamins and even more vitamins. In November the sun doesn’t shine for a few consecutive days, so you should take a walk in the fresh air when the sun is shining. For the foggy days, for example, there is vitamin D3, which you can take additionally. Many healthy foods such as oranges also help you to prepare your body for the winter.
Our tip: consume lots of fresh food!

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