Tag Archives nuts

Sugar-free homemade granola

Sugar-free homemade granola

By Posted on 1 min read

This granola is not only quick to prepare, but also grain-free and therefore gluten-free, low in histamine, low in fructose or rather completely without added sugar, vegan and low FODMAP. So it is well digestible for the vast majority of people – not to mention that the ingredients are very healthy. The seeds, kernels and nuts provide valuable fats, important minerals, vitamins and fibre. They are also a good basis for a protein-rich breakfast that keeps you full for a long time.


Super healthy oleaginous drink

Super healthy oleaginous drink

By Posted on 3 min read

Preparing your own dairy-free milk is remarkably simple. In addition to being able to flavour them according to your wishes, dairy-free milks are also very interesting from a nutritional point of view. Oilseeds are such true nuggets that it would be a shame to exclude them from your diet.


Our producer Pakka

Our producer Pakka

By Posted on 3 min read

Pakka AG was born from a passion for the fine cashew nuts in India. Shortly thereafter, the domestic conquest of the nut market in Switzerland began, with the nuts of the …


Nuts about Chestnuts

Nuts about Chestnuts

By Posted on 3 min read

The word “chestnut” is derived from the Old French chastain which in turn can be traced back to the Greek town Kastanea where the chestnut trees grew in abundance. Nowadays chestnuts …


Cream cheese with figs and walnuts

Cream cheese with figs and walnuts

By Posted on 1 min read

The fig tree needs warm summers and mild winters. Nevertheless, they grow in Switzerland, for example in the north of the Alps, in areas where the climate is favourable for growing …




By Posted on 2 min read
Peanut, groundnut, monkey nut… Arachis hypogaea has been called many names, but no matter how long we’re gonna do it, it won’t become a nut. In a botanical sense, the peanut is a legume or pulse, like beans, peas, lentils. So why do we refer to it like that?

