Salted Caramel Ice Cream
Vanilla ice cream is not only really delicious, but also helps against sore throats, cools insect bites and makes you happy.
Vanilla ice cream is not only really delicious, but also helps against sore throats, cools insect bites and makes you happy.
A wonderfully festive treat: Paris-Brest! A french desserts made from choux pastry and filled with delicious cream. Give it a try now!
The internet is a great help when looking for a recipe. We read everywhere ” Great Grandma’s vanilla kipferl” or “Vanilla kipferl as granny made them”. Today, however, we present “Granddaughters vegan vanilla kipferl” – and promise that you will not regret having given the recipe from Nanna a miss, because granddaughters vanilla kipferl are truly delicious – even for non-vegans!
Apple verbena choux blend in nicely with the freshness and delicacy of the month of May while patiently waiting for the summer and local flavours.
The delicious, fist-sized yeast dough balls with the sweet filling are known by many names. We know them here as Berliners, but they are also called doughnuts or pancakes. Fried pastries …
This recipe is inspired by the traditional butter madeleines that are so popular, and the unique flavour of Japanese green tea. They are very easy to make and have the benefit …