Mushroom Bolognese
Are you looking for a vegetarian or even vegan option to the bolognese sauce for your pasta? Then this is the perfect recipe for you! The mushrooms will give a unique texture and taste to the sauce, guaranteed success.
Are you looking for a vegetarian or even vegan option to the bolognese sauce for your pasta? Then this is the perfect recipe for you! The mushrooms will give a unique texture and taste to the sauce, guaranteed success.
Tu aimes le hummus ? Alors pour ne pas essayer une nouvelle recette en réalisant ce hummus aux herbes et au piment d’Espelette. Il sera parfait pour un apéro convivial entres amis ou en famille !
Alle Jahre wieder motiviert der sogenannte Veganuary im Januar weltweit Millionen von Menschen, die pflanzliche Ernährung zu entdecken und zu testen. Doch weshalb solltest du dich diesem Trend anschliessen?
Veganism is attracting more and more people from all walks of life. Whether it’s out of conviction or for health reasons, the choice of a vegan diet brings definite advantages. But giving up all animal products is not a trivial matter.
In der Weihnachtszeit ist das Backen von Guetzli zu einer schönen Tradition geworden, nicht wahr? Mit diesem Rezept kannst du feine (vegane!) Zimtsterne machen. Jetzt ausprobieren!
During the Christmas season, baking biscuits has become a nice tradition. Isn’t it? With this recipe you can make delicious cinnamon biscuits (and vegan ones!). Try it now!