Tag Archives bbq

Bunter Salat an Honig-Zitronensauce

Bunter Salat an Honig-Zitronensauce

By Posted on 1 min read
Dieser Salat ist eine vollständige Protein- und Energiemahlzeit. Er ist reich an Ballaststoffen, essentiellen Fettsäuren, Vitaminen und Mineralien. Ausserdem ist er leicht zuzubereiten und kann auch mit gegrilltem Fleisch beziehungsweise Fleischersatz serviert werden.


Salade de riz au pesto de persil

Salade de riz au pesto de persil

By Posted on 1 min read
L’été est la saison des grillades ! Au lieu de se contenter de saucisses et de viande, il existe désormais de nombreuses alternatives végétaliennes délicieuses pour les grillades. Et personnellement, j’adore aussi les légumes BBQ. Je les accompagne de préférence de différentes salades. Je partage ici une de mes recettes préférées.


Rice salad with parsley pesto

Rice salad with parsley pesto

By Posted on 1 min read
Summertime is barbecue time! Instead of just sausage and meat, there are now many delicious vegan alternatives for barbecuing. And I personally just love BBQ vegetables. To go with them, I like different salads the best. Here I share one of my favourite recipes.


Sausages – a glimpse of a country’s culture and heritage

Sausages – a glimpse of a country’s culture and heritage

By Posted on 3 min read
The word sausage originates from the Latin “salsika”, which means “salted”, where salting is the most basic method of preserving perishable goods.


Meat burger – a juicy delicatessen for BBQ enthusiasts

Meat burger – a juicy delicatessen for BBQ enthusiasts

By Posted on 2 min read
Not every beef burger will taste the same, and often it has nothing to do with how you cook it but the ratio of fat in the mince used.


Staycation: 5 child-friendly ideas for the summer holidays

Staycation: 5 child-friendly ideas for the summer holidays

By Posted on 6 min read
Staying in Switzerland during the summer holidays is not only good for nature and your bank account, but also allows you to spend a few relaxing and stress-free weeks with your family in your home town. In the following article, we present some ideas that will make your next staycation an unforgettable event.
