Rice salad with parsley pesto

Posted on 1 min read

Summertime is barbecue time! Instead of just sausage and meat, there are now many delicious vegan alternatives for barbecuing. And I personally just love BBQ vegetables. To go with them, I like different salads the best. Here I share one of my favourite recipes.

Rice salad with parsley pesto
Rice salad with parsley pesto
Rice salad with parsley pesto
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Rice salad with parsley pesto
Rice salad with parsley pesto
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2 people
Parsley pesto
Servings: people
  1. Cook the rice according to the instructions. Then rinse with cold water.
  2. Roast the pine nuts without oil in a pan.
  3. Mix all the ingredients for the pesto.
  4. Wash the spinach and dice the cheese alternative.
  5. Arrange everything together and garnish with fresh parsley to finish.
Recipe Notes

The rice salad with parsley pesto can also be prepared the day before and then kept in the fridge overnight, which is less stressful. It is also good for the bowels: the cooling process creates resistant starch in the rice, which promotes good gut bacteria.

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