Miso carrot soup
Originally from Japan, miso is a fermented soy paste that is used as a condiment to spice up dishes. Soy and fermentation make it an excellent nutritional cocktail with proteins, vitamins and minerals. Interested yet?
Originally from Japan, miso is a fermented soy paste that is used as a condiment to spice up dishes. Soy and fermentation make it an excellent nutritional cocktail with proteins, vitamins and minerals. Interested yet?
If you need a beautiful brunch idea for Easter, this is the perfect one! This is a delicious carrot quiche that will most probably make your guests happy. Enjoy!
If you need a fun brunch or snack idea for Easter, this is the perfect one! Delicious puff pastry carrots stuffed with the filling of your choice. Enjoy!
The carrot – or “rüebli” in Switzerland – belongs to the umbellifer family and has an extraordinarily high carotene content. The healthy root gets its orange colour from beta-carotene. However, the carotene is not what gives the carrot its name. The name comes from “carota”. This means “burnt” in German, which is a reference to the colour of the root in ancient times: back then, the root was still purple.
Are you taking part in Veganuary? Or do you eat vegan all year round anyway? Either way, this simple bowl with delicious ingredients can be served anytime!
Beta-carotene, which is found in abundance in carrots, not only ensures a beautiful complexion, but is also known to support our eyesight. It can be converted by our body into vitamin A, which is needed, among other things, for light-dark vision. Today we are baking a delicious Aargau carrot cake.