Tag Archives summer

The holy goatiness

The holy goatiness

By Posted on 2 min read

Ah, the goat cheese! Tart, earthy, grassy and piquant – it can be so different, yet so recognizable for many, many people around the world. There are myriad goat cheeses out …


What Is A Jerusalem Artichoke?

What Is A Jerusalem Artichoke?

By Posted on 2 min read

First thing you need to learn about Jerusalem artichoke is that this tuber has absolutely no connection to Israel and it is not a type of artichoke. Nice starting point to …


Noch ein paar Erbsen?

Noch ein paar Erbsen?

By Posted on 2 min read

Die Saison hat begonnen! Wenn du schonmal süsse Erbsen direkt vom Feld probiert hast, dann weisst du genau, wie der Sommer schmeckt. Obschon Erbsen direkt und ganz alleine genossen werden können– …


Please, pass me some peas!

Please, pass me some peas!

By Posted on 2 min read

Because the season has started! If you ever tried sweet peas right from the plant, you know exactly what summer tastes like. And while peas should definitely be enjoyed on their …


The goose within the berry

The goose within the berry

By Posted on 2 min read

When it comes to berries, we are so predictable and, well, boring in our choices, to say the least. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, sometimes currants, strawberries again. Tasty, but uninspiringl. Why not …


Savoury pancakes with spinach, ricotta & smoked salmon

Savoury pancakes with spinach, ricotta & smoked salmon

By Posted on 1 min read
This savoury pancake recipe is perfect for your summer brunches and lunches. It mixes various flavours and nutritional benefits and is balanced in nutrients for a complete meal.
