Tips and tricks for a sustainable Christmas

Posted on 2 min read

The temperatures are dropping, the numerous Christmas markets are opening and the first snow has already fallen. The pre-Christmas season brings with it many delicious and cosy aspects that delight year after year. However, Christmas is also regarded as a great feast of indulgence, when people like to consume generously. However, this can also be done in a more sustainable way!

1. Relaxed through the Advent season

There are many things to do before the turn of the year. It’s no wonder that many people suffer from stress during this time and often can’t really enjoy the Advent season. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, it’s worth making a note of appointments in advance and taking care of the necessary errands early. And this goes hand in hand with the second tip.

2. Make your own Christmas gifts

Expensive perfumes, game consoles or a stay at a luxurious spa are popular Christmas gifts. Unfortunately, expensive goods and gifts have almost replaced homemade presents. Yet, with a little creativity and time, an ideal gift can be created that comes from the heart and at the same time contributes to a sustainable Christmas.

Delicious biscuits, homemade chocolates or a personal photo album are sure to make the hearts of your favourite people beat faster. And don’t forget the Christmas cards.

Not homemade but still a sustainable alternative are the Farmy gift sets. Regionally produced, often in organic quality and lovingly packaged, the sets are particularly popular gifts that also ensure more sustainability during the festive season.

3. Sustainable packaging

To reduce packaging waste during the Christmas season, more and more people are looking at alternative packaging options. Recycled paper, cloths or used wrapping paper are popular and environmentally friendly alternatives.

4. Sustainable Christmas tree

Around 1.2 to 1.4 million Christmas trees are sold in Switzerland every year (source: Waldschweiz). These often end up on the streets in the first week of January already and are disposed of. But there are various ways to make Christmas tree consumption more sustainable:

  • Buy a Christmas tree in a pot and reuse it
  • Choose a Christmas tree with an FSC or organic label
  • Rent a Christmas tree

5. Stress-free grocery shopping

A delicious festive meal is simply part of a successful Christmas celebration. When shopping, it is already possible to make Christmas more sustainable. In this regard, regional, organic food from sustainable production is always a suitable choice.

Online food retailers like Farmy, which emphasise organic and local products, are also a popular and stress-free alternative for your grocery shopping. (By the way, you can already pre-order your feast!).

Consequently, Farmy takes special care to offer a generous selection of local foods and thus contribute to a sustainable Christmas. So, in addition to free-range turkey, you’ll also find plenty of organic and regional ingredients for a delicious Christmas menu.

By the way: you can find more tips for a stress-free Christmas season here.

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