Tag Archives honey

Rhubarb and thyme bowl

Rhubarb and thyme bowl

By Posted on 0 min read
Need a new dessert recipe idea? With this recipe you can use rhubarb differently than in a classic strawberry-rhubarb dessert. And by the way, this recipe can also be used as breakfast!


Roasted feta cheese with rhubarb

Roasted feta cheese with rhubarb

By Posted on 1 min read
This easy-to-make recipe is perfect for those with a sweet tooth! The feta adds a touch of creaminess, while the rhubarb and honey add a delicate sweet note. This delicious dish is the perfect accompaniment to spread on a slice of warm toast.


Aubergine, apricot and chickpea salad

Aubergine, apricot and chickpea salad

By Posted on 1 min read
Here is a delicious recipe for aubergine, apricot and chickpea salad with honey and basil. This vegetarian recipe blends oriental and Provençal flavours. It is rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. It also contains good quality fatty acids (omega-6). To complete the protein intake, you can easily add feta cheese or strips of parmesan cheese.


Colourful salad with honey and lemon sauce

Colourful salad with honey and lemon sauce

By Posted on 1 min read
This salad is a complete protein and energy meal. It is high in fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It is easy to prepare and can also be served with grilled meats.


Elderberry syrup

Elderberry syrup

By Posted on 3 min read

Elderberry is a dark purple berry that grows on black elder trees in different parts of the world: from North America to Northern Africa. But not only the fruits are important. …


Artichokes with herb dip and mustard-honey dip

Artichokes with herb dip and mustard-honey dip

By Posted on 1 min read
Artichokes with herb dip and mustard-honey dip. A healthy and delicious aperitif in order to start a perfect evening with your friends and family.
