Tag Archives summer

Roasted feta cheese with rhubarb

Roasted feta cheese with rhubarb

By Posted on 1 min read
This easy-to-make recipe is perfect for those with a sweet tooth! The feta adds a touch of creaminess, while the rhubarb and honey add a delicate sweet note. This delicious dish is the perfect accompaniment to spread on a slice of warm toast.


Salmon with rhubarb

Salmon with rhubarb

By Posted on 1 min read
What could be better than enjoying something fresh and delicious on a particularly hot day? This recipe for salmon with rhubarb is not only in season, it’s also packed with good nutrients, such as omega-3s, vitamins B, C, E and K, and protein.


Cheer up! It’s tiramisu! 

Cheer up! It’s tiramisu! 

By Posted on 3 min read
That is literally what “tiramisu” (or originally “tireme su”) means in the Treviso dialect. The Italians’ most favourite dessert was meant to cheer up customers at the end of their meals.


Cold avocado cucumber soup

Cold avocado cucumber soup

By Posted on 1 min read
This refreshing, thirst-quenching and nutritious cold soup is a great dish to keep our bodies hydrated and increase our herbal intake. The avocado is rich in good fats, but also in vitamins and minerals, while basil can help to relieve cramps.


Rice salad with parsley pesto

Rice salad with parsley pesto

By Posted on 1 min read
Summertime is barbecue time! Instead of just sausage and meat, there are now many delicious vegan alternatives for barbecuing. And I personally just love BBQ vegetables. To go with them, I like different salads the best. Here I share one of my favourite recipes.


The best sun protection for children

The best sun protection for children

By Posted on 3 min read
With its beautiful, long days and many hours of sunshine, summer makes us happy. The warm rays of the sun not only increase our well-being, they also play an enormous role in photosynthesis and make life on our planet possible in the first place. However, it is important to be aware of the dangers of ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation) so that we can consciously protect ourselves from it. This is especially crucial for children. In this article you will learn about the dangers for your children’s sensitive skin and how you can protect them so that they can enjoy the summer carefree.
