Posts by type


Rustic lemon and ginger pie

Rustic lemon and ginger pie

By Posted on 1 min read
Satisfyingly refreshing during summer and at the same time giving you that immune boost needed during the colder days: try our rustic lemon and ginger pie!


Sweet buckwheat & beetroot scones

Sweet buckwheat & beetroot scones

By Posted on 1 min read
Looking for something to surprise your guests with? Then try this recipe! These sweet scones have a refreshing colour and are perfect for any brunch, breakfast or even as a snack!


Lemon-ginger mini cakes

Lemon-ginger mini cakes

By Posted on 1 min read
Mars is finally here and has brought the lemon-ginger mini-cakes with it! A mixture of flavours in a single bite and enough to end the winter with style!


Italian Easter Wreath

Italian Easter Wreath

By Posted on 1 min read

Easter is fast approaching and we want to be prepared with some delicious recipes for Easter brunch! We like to celebrate Easter with friends and family and there is always a …




By Posted on 1 min read
Lust auf eine cremig-nussige Suppe mit gesunden Chips? Probiere mal unsere Topinambursuppe!

