Tag Archives salad

Rice salad with parsley pesto

Rice salad with parsley pesto

By Posted on 1 min read

Summertime is barbecue time! Instead of just sausage and meat, there are now many delicious vegan alternatives for barbecuing. And I personally just love BBQ vegetables. To go with them, I like different salads the best. Here I share one of my favourite recipes.


Beetroot cultivation from the stems and leaves to the roots

Beetroot cultivation from the stems and leaves to the roots

By Posted on 2 min read

Beetroot sprouts and microgreens will undoubtedly brighten any salad, smoothy, stir fry, or soup.


Déjeuner en bocal au saumon rôti et au quinoa

Déjeuner en bocal au saumon rôti et au quinoa

By Posted on 1 min read

N’est-ce pas une idée géniale de mettre tous tes ingrédients préférés dans un joli bocal haut et de l’emporter au bureau ?

Cela semble si facile de préparer un tel repas, mais en fait, il y a quelques règles à suivre pour l’assembler. Mais ce n’est pas si compliqué que ça :


Tarragon – one of the four fines herbes

Tarragon – one of the four fines herbes

By Posted on 3 min read

The plant is called ‘dragon’ in Swedish and Dutch. Why? Because of its Latin name Artemisia dracunculus. The latter part means “little dragon”. It’s a denomination derived from the coiled roots of the plant.


Aubergine, apricot and chickpea salad

Aubergine, apricot and chickpea salad

By Posted on 1 min read

Here is a delicious recipe for aubergine, apricot and chickpea salad with honey and basil. This vegetarian recipe blends oriental and Provençal flavours. It is rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. It also contains good quality fatty acids (omega-6). To complete the protein intake, you can easily add feta cheese or strips of parmesan cheese.


Colourful salad with honey and lemon sauce

Colourful salad with honey and lemon sauce

By Posted on 1 min read

This salad is a complete protein and energy meal. It is high in fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It is easy to prepare and can also be served with grilled meats.
