All Posts By Andreea Stanescu

Gâteau épicé aux pommes

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Gâteau épicé aux pommes
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Gâteau épicé aux pommes
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Pour la pâte
Pour la garniture
  1. Bien mélanger tous les ingrédients pour le pâte.
  2. Recouvrir un moule de 20 cm de papier sulfurisé et y déposer a pâte à gâteau.
  3. Éplucher les pommes et les couper en petits morceaux. Mélanger la cannelle, le sucre et la muscade. Répartir les pommes de façon uniforme sur la pâte à gâteau et saupoudrer le tout de sucre et du mélange d'épices.
  4. Faire cuire au four à 180˚C pendant 40-50 minutes.
  5. Démouler et laisser reposer pendant 10 minutes.
Recipe Notes

Bon appétit ! Ce gâteau peut être conservé dans un récipient hermétique jusqu'à 3 jours.


Chocolate cake with cherries and vanilla cream

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Chocolate Cake with Cherries and Vanilla Cream

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All animal products can be replaced by plant-based alternatives
Servings Prep Time
8 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes

Servings Prep Time
8 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes

Chocolate Cake with Cherries and Vanilla Cream

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All animal products can be replaced by plant-based alternatives
Servings Prep Time
8 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes

Servings Prep Time
8 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes

Chocolate cake

Vanilla cream

Servings: portions


Chocolate cake
  1. Preheat the oven to 170˚C.

  2. Line the bottom of a 6” (15cm) springform pan with parchment paper, grease lightly and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

  3. Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites together with the sugar until stiff and set aside. Beat the egg yolks for 2-3 minutes, then add the butter, cream cheese and milk.

  4. Mix the dry ingredients (flour, raw cocoa, baking powder and salt) and combine with the liquid mixture.

  5. Carefully fold in the beaten egg white using a spoon and not an electric mixer (you want to keep the volume of the egg white and the air bubble that has formed - this makes the cake fluffy and soft). Add the cherries at the end.

  6. Pour the dough into the springform pan and bake for 35-40 minutes. Chill the cake for 10 minutes and take it out of the springform pan. Let it cool down completely and cut it into two equal parts.

Vanilla cream
  1. Once the cake has cooled down, cut it into 4 even slices. Arrange the slices on a plate and spread the cream evenly on each slice. Decorate with fresh cherries.

Assembling the cake
  1. In a bowl, combine the cream, vanilla bean and icing sugar and mix with a whisk until the cream thickens and remains lightly on a spoon.


Spiced Apple Cake

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Apfelkuchen würzig Dezember
Spiced Apple Cake
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Apfelkuchen würzig Dezember
Spiced Apple Cake
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  1. Mix all ingredients for the cake very well.
  2. Cover an 20 cm baking tin with parchment paper and fill it with the cake mixture.
  3. Peel apples and cut into small pieces. Mix cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg together. Spread the apples evenly over the cake mixture and sprinkle with sugar and spices.
  4. Bake at 180˚C for 40-50 minutes.
  5. Remove from baking tin and let rest for 10 minutes.
Recipe Notes

Enjoy! This cake can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days.


Crumble aux myrtilles, aux poires et aux pommes

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Apples in a pie dish, berries in front
Crumble aux myrtilles, aux poires et aux pommes
Votes: 1
Rating: 1
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Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Crumble aux myrtilles, aux poires et aux pommes
Votes: 1
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Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Pour la garniture aux fruits
Pour le crumble
Servings: portions
Pour la garniture aux fruits
  1. Préchauffer le four à 170°C.
  2. Huiler un plat de cuisson de 23 cm (9") avec de l'huile de noix de coco.
  3. Couper les pommes et les poires en petits morceaux et les placer dans le plat de cuisson. Ajouter les myrtilles et y mélanger la vanille, le jus de citron, la maïzena, le sel et le sirop d'érable.
    Apples being cut on a wooden board, strawberries and blueberries next to them on a plate
Pour le crumble
  1. Préparer le dessus du crumble séparément. Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un bol et bien mélanger le tout.
  2. Verser la garniture de crumble par-dessus et faire cuire au four pendant 30 à 35 minutes jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit dorée. Le jus de fruit doit maintenant être réduit et former des bulles sur les bords alors que le crumble est ferme.
    Apples in a pie dish, berries in front
  1. Servir chaud ou froid avec du yaourt, de la crème ou de la glace.
  2. Ce crumble peut se garder pendant 3 jours au frigo ou pendant 2 mois si tu le mets au congélateur (à condition que le plat de cuisson puisse être congelé). Tu peux préparer et congeler une grande quantité de crumble.
    Apple, blueberry crumble tart


Blueberry, pear and apple crumble

Posted on 0 min read
Apples in a pie dish, berries in front
Blueberry, pear and apple crumble
Votes: 1
Rating: 4
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Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Blueberry, pear and apple crumble
Votes: 1
Rating: 4
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Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 portions 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Fruit filling
Servings: portions
Fruit filling
  1. Preheat the oven to 170˚C fan.
  2. Grease a 9” (23 cm) baking dish with coconut oil.
  3. Cut the apples and pears into small pieces and place them in the baking dish. Add the blueberries and mix with vanilla, lemon juice, cornstarch, salt and maple syrup.
    Apples being cut on a wooden board, strawberries and blueberries next to them on a plate
  1. Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix everything well.
  2. Pour the crumble topping over the fruits and bake in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes until golden. The fruit juice should now be reduced and form bubbles on the edges while the crumble is firm.
    Apples in a pie dish, berries in front
  1. Serve hot or cold with yogurt, cream or ice cream.
  2. Can be stored up to 3 days in the refrigerator or up to 2 months in the freezer (provided the baking dish can be frozen). You can prepare and freeze a larger amount of crumble topping.
    Apple, blueberry crumble tart
